independent education for
free range learners
Education, learning,
at its core, is by definition an independent endeavor. We are learning
from the second we are born, until the minute we die. Humans process
information, interpret it, act on it, file it for future reference
or purge it. Life, in other words, is our classroom.
How you choose to
learn what you want to know has always been up to you. To our credit,
this country has always held a high respect for the education of
its citizens. To our discredit, that respect has developed into
a compulsory system of state run schooling that honors attendance
over education.
State approved curricula and mass schooling
methods have squelched the will of generations of children to explore
our world independently. If a child discovers Latin root words and
their use in our language, he or she would have to explore that
independently, only after a school day and homework are finished.
No time to spend a few hours skimming a dictionary, when there is
so much 'schooling' to be done.
The Alternative Educators' Network supports
the idea of "Free Range" learning. This simply means that
people should be able (and allowed) to pursue their own interests,
on their own time, with whom they please. Learn what you need to
learn and move on. We believe that given the opportunity, people
will gravitate towards what interests them, learn what they need
to know, and learn it more thoroughly, all without compulsion or
mandate from the state.
We want to encourage teachers to teach and
learners to learn, all without fetters, roadblocks and mandatory
waste of time and taxpayer dollars. Free range, so to speak.
3B Media Workshops:

The 3B Media Workshops project is a mentor
based project where participants are given assignments in
various media production, and advice on how to complete and/or
market the project. Photography, Video, Audio Production for
Radio and media content for the web are a few of the projects
that can be arranged. more >>